Architectural tourism potentials of Konjic Municipality

Remains of Medieval Towns and Forts

Biograd (Zabrdje), Boksevac (Kostajnica), Borovac (Idbar), Cresnjevo/Tresnjevo (Old Town – Dzepi), Dbar (Idbar), Gradina (Bare), Gradina (Ribici), City of Lis (Repovci) ), Gradac (Glavaticevo), Kom (Kasici), Krusevac (Pogorelica), Vrabac (Bijela).

Surkovica Kula at Odzaci settlement

The tower as a residential fortification is a special type of old Muslim house, a semi-fortified castle of the feudal lords, and probably an outgrowth of a medieval residential culture. This type of facility is found throughout the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and was usually built by spahi and captains.

During the Ottoman period, the Turkish feudal lords built special stone castles or towers on their properties, with several floors in which they lived and defended themselves as needed. The masters of the towers in Odzaci were around 1900 Ferhad-beg, Sejdi-beg (died 1906) and Hanefi-beg.

Old Mosque in Gornja Mahala, Seonica

There are two mosques in Seonica, in Donja and Gornja Mahala. There were both mekteb and tekki. Mekteb was at the top of the Donja Mahala. It is not known exactly when it was built or when it was abandoned. The tekke was built around 1833 and was used until 1912. This is the endowment of Sheikh Osman Nuri Begeta. Unlike the Donja Mahala, there are no written data on the construction time of the Old Mosque in Seonica (in the Gornja Mahala). According to Hivzija Hasandedic, the mosque was built in 1880. The Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina proclaimed this mosque as a national monument in May 2006 because of its traditional value, significance for the identity of a group of people, as well as the exceptional ambient, artistic and aesthetic value of the building.

Santica villa at Borci

Residential building – Santica Villa typologically corresponds to the Austro-Hungarian villa. The head of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Baron Benko, built a villa in Borci in 1902, where he often stayed with the company while hunting. After ten years in 1910 he sold the villa to the Santic family from Mostar. Already in 1913 the famous poet Aleksa Santic settled in this villa when he was expelled from Mostar by the Austro-Hungarian authorities for his patriotic songs. As a good friend, and also in the family relationship with Santici, Svetozar Corovic also stayed in the villa for a while.

After the First World War, Aleksa Santic sold the villa to the Health Center (Hygienic Institute) Mostar, which in 1928 made the villa available for the Children’s Recreation Center by upgrading another floor. In World War II, the villa served as a partisan hospital. The enemy army burned the mansion in those war years.

After the Second World War, the Ministry of Forestry of Bosnia and Herzegovina rebuilt the villa for its needs and turned it into a forest-hunting house. In 1960, academic painter Lazar Drljaca moved into the Santic villa due to illness and he lived there until his death in 1970, who was buried on his own accord on a lawn, next to the mansion. The Santica villa in the war period 1992-1995 was burned so that now only the stone walls remained.

In March 2006, the Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared the Santica Vila as a national monument.

Necropolis of tombstones, medieval tombstones

Necropolis on UNESCO list:

  • Necropolis with tombstones Biskup

Necropolis of tombstones from the list of National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina:

  • Prehistoric tumulus and necropolis with tombstones (Bahtijevice, Velika Dabica poljana);
  • Necropolis with tombstones Ribari;
  • Necropolis with tombstones – Ravnice u Dubocanima;
  • Necropolis with tombstones – Gornja Bradina;
  • Necropolis with tombstones – Velika Bradina;
  • Natural and historical area in the village of Gorani;
  • Necropolis with tombstones – Cicevo villageNekropola sa stećcima – selo Čičevo
  • Necropolis with tombstones –Ograda VlahNekropola sa stećcima – Ograda Vlah
  • Kaur Cemetery in BorciKaursko groblje na Borcima
  • Kaur Cemetery – necropolis of Vrbljani tombstonesKaursko groblje – nekropola stećaka Vrbljani
  • Necropolis of tombstones – Krizevac, Doljani
  • Necropolis with tombstone Poljice
  • Necropolis with tombstone “Cesmina glava” Odzaci

Religious objects with cultural or historical values

Repovacka Mosque

According to the legend, the hair-sahibia of the Repovacka Mosque was Muhammad (Mehmed) – bey, the son of Alija, known as Hudaverdi Basna. In his vakufnama it is written that before its construction in 1579, he “built a mosque in the cavalry of Konjic”. It should be borne in mind that there was also a kasaba on the left shore of the Neretva, which existed in 1550/51. year officially was called Belgraddzik (Konjic). The first work that contains some informations about prayers on the right shore of the Neretva was written by Alija Nametak back in 1939.

In 1983, Hivzija Hasandedic, in his work on Herzegovina’s and wakifs, determined that the Repovacka mosque was built in 1579 by Hudaverdi Mehmed-Caus Bosnia and that it originates from the bey’s family of Repovci. A legend is attached to the construction of the minaret, located to the left of the front door, and to the creation of this mosque. Namely, after the death of his wife Leila and daughter Jasmina, Hudaverdi ordered the neymars to build a minaret on the left side, where the heart is in human body so that he could show his love to them.

The Repovacka mosque changed its purpose during the time. It was in its original function of sacral character just before the Second World War. During World War II, it served as a stable, and after the war became a warehouse area near which there was a livestock market. Fortunately, in 1990, the Repovacka mosque was thoroughly restored, the roof structure and roof covering were replaced with new stone slabs, a sofa and minarets were restored.

During the war years (1992-1995), the Repovacka mosque was partially damaged by artillery and weapons, damage was repaired, sofas were additionally erected in front of the mosque, and the ”abdesthana” was constructed within the courtyard. In September 2007, the Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared the Repovacka Mosque as a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Tekijska Mosque - Mehmed-Caus Mosque

The mosque was built by Muhammad-Mehmed Caus, the son of Hadzi Abdija from Konjic. The exact year of construction of the mosque is unknown, and there are differing opinions and records of individual authors. The mosque was probably built between 1622 and 1648 (by Mulic). In 1848, Ali-Pasa Rizvanbegovic rebuilt the Tekijska Mosque. In 1917, the Austro-Hungarian authorities removed the lead cover from the mosque dome (for the purpose of making weapons and implements), and in 1922 the mosque was rebuilt. The bombing in 1944 caused a damage to the mosque.
During the war years (1992-1995), the facility suffered about twenty direct hits with large-caliber shells, in the minaret, dome and side walls. It has been renovated again. A Halveti tekke was built next to the mosque, which gave it its name (Halveti were a dervish order founded in the fourteenth century). These were the only two tekke in this region. This tekke ceased to operate in 1941.

The Tekijska mosque is the only tekke mosque and the most valuable architectural mosque in Konjic. There are seven in Herzegovina, and the Tekijska Mosque is the sixth in a row. Next to the mosque is a large harem with tombstones, with epitaphs, simple short texts, unmarked, and most of them without epitaphs. In the past, the Tekijska Mosque has gone through various stages in which it has suffered various damage and desecration.
In March 2006, the Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared the Tekijska Mosque as a national monument.

Vardacka Mosque

The Vardacka mosque in Konjic is located in the settlement of Varda. According to Hivzija Hasandedic, the Vardacka mosque was one of eight prayer sites mentioned by Evlija Celebija in his „Putopisi“ in 1664. Hivzija Hasandedic states that the builder of this mosque is Hussein-bey, an old man from the family Mulic from Varda. It is assumed that his grave is the one that still stands today along the mihrab wall of the Vardacka Mosque. Dr. Jusuf Mulic in the book “Konjic i njegova okolina za vrijeme osmanske vladavine” states that this mosque was built by Husein-bey Buljukbasa, son of Mehmed-bey.

In the course of the reconstruction, guided by the idea that the minaret of this mosque would be a sign of remembrance on the period that happened to us, the representatives of the Islamic Community decided not to restore minaret of this mosque that was demolished earlier, so this is one of the few mosques in Bosnia and Herzegovina that has no top of the minaret.

Carsijska Mosque – Junuz Caus Mosque

It was built by Mehmed (Muhammad) Hudaverdi Bosnia, imperial servant, before 1579. This was confirmed in his vakufnama, which was drawn up between August 24 and September 23, 1579. The mosque was first rebuilt by Junuz-Caus (Alagic), and has since been renamed to Junuz-Caus Mosque. Originally, the mosque was covered with lead sheet. The height of the stone minaret without the alem is 30 meters.

During the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995), the mosque was repeatedly hit by artillery shells. On that occasion, the roof structure and walls of the building were damaged, and the minaret was hit repeatedly by direct shots, which made it completely removed and rebuilt. In that period all damages on the mosque were repaired. Between 2004 and 2006, many interventions at the facility were carried out, some of which violated its authenticity. First and foremost, this refers to interventions in the interior.

There are several interesting old tombstones in the harem of the mosque. One is particularly interesting, and it is Dervis-Pasa or Dedaga Cengic’s stone cube from 1874. Dervish Pasa,or Dedaga Cengic, a Turkish commanding officer, died in Konjic on the way from Gacko to Sarajevo in 1874.

He was badly wounded in the fighting with the Montenegrins and had to be transferred to a Turkish military hospital in Sarajevo, but he did not last until Sarajevo, he died in Konjic, where he was buried in the harem of the Carsijska mosque.
In March 2006, the Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared the site as a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Church of St. Ivan Krstitelj and the Franciscan Monastery

The buildings of the architectural ensemble are consisted of: the independent Church of St. Ivan Krstitelj, a detached building, three auxiliary buildings (religious education halls) and a movable heritage. The building of today’s monastery was built in 1939-1940, and the church of St. Ivan Krstitelj was built over a long period of time, in stages. The church building was built in the period 1895-97. The church interior was completed in 1909 and the bell tower was built in 1919. The church building was not constructed according to the original project done by the architect Josip Vancas from Hungary, who represented one of the most significant builders of his time in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In May 2006, the Commission to Preserve National Monuments proclaimed the architectural ensemble-Franciscan Monastery in Konjic as a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Orthodox Church of St. Vasilije Veliki at Varda

At the Varda site in Konjic in 1885, began the construction of an Orthodox church – Temple of St. Vasilije, and the general public was informed of it in the Sarajevo Gazette. In its outward forms, this object is extremely simplified and without decorative elements. It was completed on 26th of October, 1886. Unlike the exterior, the interior of the church was richly furnished, and its great value was represented by the built-in iconostasis made in 1925 by the Konjic wood carvers Sulejman Hadzizukic and Salko Alagic. The iconostasis was painted by Sreto Domic, a painter 1929, in the same way as the Byzantine school.

It is interesting to note that one of the icons contained little curiosity. Namely, on it are St. Kirilo and Metodije presented in Franciscan habitats. Unfortunately, during the war years (1992-95) this was destroyed, as well as the church building and its interior. After 2000, the church was repaired, the iconostasis was made, the stairs for the port and the fence at the port were made and the church was built as well as the interior lighting.

In November 2007, the Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina proclaimed the Church of St. Vasilije Veliki, with movable goods-icons, as a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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