Tourism in Konjic

5th Neretva Media Regatta

http://cjni.com/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=https://cjni.com/facebook-vs-news-app/ The fifth traditional MEDIA Regatta was successfully held, which aims to promote the importance of preserving the natural beauty and environment of the Konjic region.

As in previous years, rafting has proven to be a great opportunity to enjoy and socialize in nature, and it is through this activity that we can best draw attention to the growing need for protection and education on ways to preserve the environment. Maintenance of the Neretva Media Regatta has a role to draw public attention to the current state of the Neretva River, and to promote activities that can be held in this area.

The participants in the competition were representatives of 23 media from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. 45 people took part in the regatta, divided into 12 teams. The task of the competitors was to finish the 18-kilometer descent as soon as possible, and the victory was taken by the representatives of Radio 8, Radio Miljacka and Novikonjic.ba.

Rafting is a great opportunity to satisfy your adventurous side, and to explore the natural environment of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a completely new way. This adventure is great for your free mind, and gives you adrenaline rush. During the activity, you are focused only on the excitement you feel, and not on the physical training that is taking place. This activity is also great for reducing stress, and helps you escape from reality for at least a few hours. The peaceful nature and clean air around you allows you to leave all worries behind.

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