Geographical position

The municipality of Konjic is located in the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which in the regional-geographical aspect belongs to the macro-region of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian High karst, in the far western part of its sub-region Rudina. From the astronomical-geographical aspect Konjic Municipality is located on the northern Earth’s hemisphere in the field of geographical coordinates east from Greenwich 43°30‘ north latitude, 17°35’ and 18°15‘ east longitude. It extends at an altitude of 270 m (Ostrozac na Neretvi) to 2 155 m (peak Zelena Glava, Prenj mountain).

In the administrative view it belongs to entity Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. Konjic Municipality borders with ten other municipalities: on the north it borders with the Municipalities of Kresevo, Fojnica, Gornji Vakuf, in the west with Prozor and Jablanica, in the south with the town of Mostar, Nevesinje and Kalinovik Municipalities, and on the east it borders with Trnovo and Hadzici.

Konjic is exactly where it should be

In the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina, close enough to the south, north, east and west!

In geological terms, the area of ​​Konjic Municipality is characterized by a complex geological structure, represented by deposits of different ages, structures and time of formation. The area of ​​the Konjic Municipality is characterized by Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits, which means that this area began to form 438 million years ago. It is a period of silhouette and the oldest deposits in Konjic Municipality are precisely from the period of silos, which were created over a period of 30 million years. The following deposits are the Devonian ages, which were created over a period of 48 million years, and at the end of the Permian age.

When it comes to the geotectonic position, area of Konjic Municipality is part of two macrotectonic units, most of which belongs to the External Dinarides, and in the northern part of the Municipality to the Central Dinarides. Geomorphologic characteristics of Konjic Municipality are conditioned by complex geological structure, tectonic structure, climatic, hydrographic and anthropogenic factors. The area of ​​the municipality lies in contact with External and Central Dinarides, which are in this area tectonically disturbed and elected. The explored area is classified as mountain-valley relief.

The highest mountain peaks in the investigated area are about 2 000 metres high, where Zelena Glava (2 155 metres) stands out at Prenj, which represents the border corner with Mostar, Peak Mala Caba on Treskavica (2 086 metres), as a border point with the Trnovo Municipality, Peak Krvavac on the Bjelasnica (2 062 metres), which represents the three-border town of Konjic with the municipalities Hadzici and Trnovo, and Peak Dzamija on Visocica mountain (1 967 metres). Significant peaks below 2 000 metres stand out on the Prenj mountain, the peak Borasnica (1 886 metres), the peak Lisin on Bitovnja mountain (1 742 metres), the peak Tetrebina on Zec mountain (1 606 metres) and the highest peak Pogorelica (1 437 metres ) above sea level.

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