Tourism in Konjic


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive social and economic impact. Both developed and developing economies have been hit. And marginalized groups and the most vulnerable have been hit hardest of all. The restart of tourism will help kickstart recovery and growth. It is essential that the benefits this will bring are enjoyed widely and fairly.

UNWTO has therefore designated World Tourism Day 2021 as a day to focus on Tourism for Inclusive Growth. This is an opportunity to look beyond tourism statistics and acknowledge that, behind every number, there is a person. UNWTO invites its Member States, as well as non-members, sister UN agencies, businesses and individuals to celebrate tourism’s unique ability to ensure that nobody is left behind as the world begins to open up again and look to the future.

World Tourism Day, celebrated each year on 27 September, is the global observance day fostering awareness of tourism’s social, cultural, political and economic value and the contribution that the sector can make towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.

Join World Tourism Day

“Tourism for inclusive growth” is the theme of World Tourism Day 2021. This year’s official celebration will be hosted by Ivory Coast, which will celebrate the ability of tourism to drive inclusive development and its role in creating opportunities for millions of people around the world.

The UNWTO therefore invites all interested parties to include in this year’s celebration of World Tourism Day and present the potential of tourism to create jobs and bring communities together.

What to do?

Submit high-resolution photos and videos that best show the entire value chain, from souvenir manufacturers, through hostel managers to tour guides. In this way, it wants to emphasize the power of tourism that generates the growth and positive transformation it has initiated for people.

What photos?

People are at the heart of everything we do. They are building the tourism sector and making it a powerful platform for growth and understanding, so let’s give them a word!

  • Tourism workers
  • Local communities
  • Travelers involved in local activities and events
  • Photo quality: at least 300 dpi.
  • Videos: no longer than one minute, at least 1080p

How to participate?

  • Select photos and videos according to the above.
  • Send it on comm@unwto.org, navodeći:
  • E-mail subject: WTD 2021 footage (Country Name)
  • Contact person

When we talk about Bosnia and Herzegovina, and when we talk about inclusive growth, more attention should be paid to the employment of young people and women in the tourism sector, as well as people with special needs and ethnic minorities. In addition, it is important to adapt accommodation and catering facilities to people with special needs and the elderly, so that we all have equal opportunities to use.

The coronavirus pandemic has shown that the tourism sector is a sensitive category and that more and more attention will need to be paid to health standards and prevention, because the biggest economic losses occur when human health is endangered and health has always been one of the main drivers of all tourist movements.

Finally, we would like to congratulate all tourism workers, domestic and foreign, World Tourism Day.


Soruce: https://konjictourism.ba/unwto-poziva-ukljucite-se-u-obiljezavanje-svjetskog-dana-turizma/?preview=true&_thumbnail_id=25626

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