December 27, 2021 PREZENTATION OF “HUB&SPOKE” MODEL On December 23, 2021 in the hall of the Municipal Council of Konjic, starting...More
October 11, 2021 8th FESTIVAL OF ACTORS OF BIH IN KONJIC OFFICIALLY CLOSED Last night in Konjic, the 8th Festival of BiH Actors in Konjic was closed...More
September 27, 2021 UNWTO POZIVA: UKLJUČITE SE U OBILJEŽAVANJE SVJETSKOG DANA TURIZMA The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive social and economic impact. Both developed and...More
September 21, 2021 USAID Tourism – Public calls for grants Do you have a company or a business in the tourism industry? Do you...More
September 6, 2021 DAYS OF AGRICULTURE OF KONJIC MUNICIPALITY Apart from natural and cultural values, the municipality of Konjic is known as an...More
September 3, 2021 THE 8TH BIH ACTORS’ FESTIVAL HAS STARTED IN KONJIC The 8th BiH Actors’ Festival has started in Konjic, and will last until October...More